We ennoble your 3D objects.
Some pieces do not look like being 3D printed because they shine in gold or silver, are lacquered or without visible structures.
Pieces of jewelry or works of art for instance may be manufactured with the 3D printing technique as well as prototypes, serial parts or other kinds of 3D design which receive some kind of finishing in the end.
Each and everything of these methods is do-able for us. We galvanize your 3D object in order to create a beautiful metal coating, we grind, dye or lacquer them.
For you this means:
You send us your 3D data file and receive the perfect product form one single source – without further suppliers.
Therewith you save time and your product is quicker on to the market.
Surface-technologies for the component finishing
Grinding / Tumbling
Abrasion of edges and surface smoothing
Metal coating
Improvement of mechanical, thermal and chemical characteristics due to applying a nickel layer in the range of a few µm up to 0,15 mm
Colouring / Dyeing
Diverse colouring of laser sintering parts, chemical and mechanical resistant.
Ask for the manifold colour variants.
Lacquering / Spray painting
Finishing with any kind of lacquer, surface quality and colour nuances.